We advise on all matters concerning your will, trusts and estate planning, executorships, intestacy, grants of representation, and (if necessary) the challenging of a will. We regularly draft and deal with a number of wills and applications for probate/letters of administration regardless of the size of the estate. We also deal with inheritance tax matters, and the administration of the estate to relieve you from the worry and stress involved.
We advise and prepare Powers of Attorney and documents relating to the Court of Protection, including Lasting Powers of Attorney, and deputyships. We draft and witness Oaths, Deeds and Declarations.
We offer expert knowledge and advice on matters which we appreciate can be sensitive and intensely personal. We will use our expertise and experience to ensure that your matter is dealt with as efficiently and effectively as possible.
For expert advice or assistance, please contact our Private Client Team on 020 8037 6400 or contact us online.